Monday, August 24, 2009


EFY! what an experience! It was so great to meet these people and have such a great, spiritual, awesome time!! This bunch of friends make me so happy! We had a great time! I really miss them!
Our Group name was Watch Yourselves!! :) This is while we were doing our awesome cheer!! WE WON the contest.. ya. "Don't look at us! Watch YOURSELVES!" wahoo! :)
The girls! they really are inspiring, and great girls! :) i hope to see them again soon!

The Guys! hahah!!! gotta love 'em! They made me so happy!

alright. the EFY i went to only was a Day one.. so I went with my neighbor Andrew (the one that can breakdance, haha) and we stayed at the Hinkson Family's house! Amazing family! They were so great! They had three sons that went to EFY with us. They were so much fun! The kid in the pink vest is Daniel Hinkson.
Here's Andrew again.. haha
Devin Hinkson! Awesome kid! :) Unfortunately none of the Hinkson boys or Andrew were in my Company, so I was alone there.. but I became GREAT friends with the people that were. :)
The whole Crew:) :)!!
If any of you get the chance to go to EFY, GO!!!!! Its so wonderful!! I'll do another post that is more on the experience. :) when i have the time haha!

Monday, July 20, 2009

FROG! :)

I've had a few momentous things happen over the last little bit.. and I haven't really blogged in a while. ha! So I'm showing you some pics of some fun things :)

4th of July :) Nathan made it memorable for sure! :) ha!
I officially can solve the Rubik's cube! :) haha! although I'm not as fast as Emily at it. We race and she beats me 99% of the time. ha!
I dissected a Frog..mmm.. yummy...? Miss. Wood's biology class! wahoo! good times.
So another bit of news, I'm going to be going from the Jr. High to the High School! It'll be awesome. I'm super excited. although 9th grade was the best! I'm going to miss a ton of teachers and people there! and now I'm off to explore a whole new experience! We'll see how that goes!
Well not much else. Wow that was pretty short. I didn't have many pictures to show. oh well. This will just have to do. ha! and I'll try to get on top of this Blogging thing again. I'm getting slow at updating again. ha!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Some people wonder why I'm always so happy. Sometimes I wonder myself. I've thought about this a lot lately. Why am I such a happy person? Sad was never a word that described me.

After much thought I've come at least one of the reasons for why I am so cheerful and happy.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This definitly is the #1 reason for me being filled with joy. I'm sure those of you who are members know and feel this happiness. But how often do you show that joy you feel? Even if your not a member of the church, how often are you happy? How often do you make the best out of a bad situation? I guess I've made a decision to let my happiness show. I've made that essential. Its become a habit. and when i've had hard times, my happiness seems to take over and I don't feel as bad. I get through it. Some people go through challenges and just bare it, without a smile. But I've found it so much easier to feel and recognize the joy that surrounds you. Sometimes I find it hard not to smile.

My Dad has complemented me on being someone who is able to be full of happiness and joy through almost everything. He told me its made an impact on other people but I'm just being me. But I guess it's made a difference to other people as well.. not just me.

JOY. This word means so much to me. If you've read my post about my Grandma V you would know that this is her favorite word. I've grown up with the guidence and example that my Grandma has shown to always have JOY. Growing up with someone like that around, I guess it was just natural that I would always be happy.

I have so much to be grateful for and I think about the things I have been blessed with constantly. This gives me hope, peace, and joy. I become stronger. I want to fight for the better. Stand for what's right. I just hope and pray that those who are behind on feeling what it's like to feel truly happy will recognize the JOY, and feel it. Come walk beside me. Keep your eyes towards the better. Make the best out of a bad situation.
Let's walk together in JOY.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Alright I'll share my sad story..

Well I love doing art.. I have so much fun doing it and i hope to pursue it in the future.

In my art class we were doing a project with Oil paints, and I thought that my project was going rather well.. and then after it was finished I put it in the cupboards that Mrs. Morgan has for us to put projects. I week later I thought that I should probably take it home.. it wasnt in the cupboard so I asked Mrs. Morgan where it was. she assured me that she saw it in the cupboard the day before. we looked like crazy.. but I still havent found it. yep.. sad story.. but I at least have a picture of it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Nathan is really enjoying going to Murray's basketball games to see Mitch play! he's getting really into it and loves shouting "DEFENCE MURRAY DEFENCE!", "LET'S GO SPARTANS", "GO MITCH!". All are screamed at the top of his lungs!
He also loves to dance to the band and even request songs! haha. "PLAY ME ME!" (ode to joy which is now his favorite song. if you havent seen that video on youtube where Beaker from the muppet's sings it then you better check it out! just type in Ode to Joy and it will be at the top of the list!).

Nathan walks out the door and grandma chases after him...
Grandma: Where are you going?

he gets pretty anxious and gets very disappointed when there isn't a game that night.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Me Snowboarding.. kinda

Rachel.. With her first attempt at the Snowboard.. failed..

Yes.. I tried snowboarding for my first time! well it wasn't too extreme.. my cousin Aaron is good at it though. (it's his board) Brady got pretty good at it too.

haha..but I did hit that garbage bag every time!! apparently I'm not very good at turning right.. it's a killer.


Our Yearly family cabin trip for the new years has always been the highlight of the holidays! This year we went to my Aunt Linda's new cabin which is just up the road of Uncle Jerry's (the cabin we usually visit).
We had the company of Family members, such as Cousin Amy, Steve and their 5 boys, Aunt Linda, and a few pop in faces for a day or two. :). Blake and Amy were here for the holidays as well! Having them home from Washington St. is so much fun! we love having them around! :) (Blake even ended up buying an iPhone! :).. it's a lot of fun. I became obsessed with it and the games. haha.)
We also had Mitch with us! Cousin Amy's boys loved having him around! I was surprised that they let him go home with us instead of them. haha!
The sledding up there was pretty intense! (as it always is) Sledding is the best part! We even had a cool addition to our sledding extremes. :). Which included an awesome steep hill just on the side of the house. It was awesome. :]
But anyways.. here is a little Gallery or our exciting trip :).
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